New Reiki classes for the fall with Laurie Dulude
- Lindel Hart
- Sep, 27, 2011
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Reiki Master Laurie Dulude has just confirmed the dates for her fall 2011 Reiki classes at Hart Yoga:
Reiki II
Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 PM — (October 11, 18, 25)
Reiki III
Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 PM — (November 1, 8, 15)
Reiki I — new session starts November 29
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM — (November 29, December 6, 13)
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words: Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” It is administered by a gentle hands-on touch with the recipient clothed and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
Laurie Dulude will lead these Reiki training sessions in four series, leading toward certification as a Reiki practitioner. The Reiki I series will include the theories and procedures of Reiki, the initial “attunements” to open the body’s energy to the practice, and the hand placement positions for a whole body treatment. Reiki II, III and IV will be taught in subsequent series following the completion of Reiki I.
The potential benefits of Reiki:
- Reduces stress
- Relieves pain
- Accelerates healing
- Creates relaxation
- Balances energy in body
- Complements conventional medical treatments
- Supports the immune system
- Aids in meditation
- Promotes self-healing
A brief history of modern Reiki
In 1890s, Master Mikao Usui attempted to heal beggars in the slums of Kyoto. After time, he discovered that many of the beggars had returned to the slums. Master Mikao Usui realized that he physically healed the beggars, but not “mentally & emotionally”. He realized that true healing is spiritual, as well as physical. Reiki does not replace doctors or medicine, but adds healing power in conjunction with modern medicine.
Master Mikao Usui gathered 16 Masters prior to his death. Dr. Chujiro was one of his students. Dr. Chujiro founded the first Reiki clinic in Tokyo, Japan and trained 13 masters. After World War II there were only two surviving Reiki Masters. One of those Masters was Hawayo Takata. Hawayo Takata was from Hawaii and by the 1970s, she had trained 22 Reiki Masters and Westernized and Christianized the practice. Laurie’s Reiki Master Trainer, Amy Rauber-Patton of Mobius Center of Healing Arts in Northampton, was trained by one of these 22 Reiki Masters.
Pre-registration is required, as class size is limited to six students. Contact Laurie Dulude at 413.475.0270 for more information and to register for the course.
Class-by-class descriptions of levels of Reiki training
Reiki I
Class I: Introductions. Introduction to Reiki Principles & History. Discuss what Reiki is and provide a brief chair session/experience for students. Energy ball for all. Discuss the attunement process.
Class II: Review. Guided meditation and Level I attunement. Open discussion after. Guided practice in Reiki self healing. Discuss 21 day cleansing period.
Class III: Reiki Boost Training. Class participation in boost and guided practice w/hand positions and Reiki healing on table.
Reiki II
Class I: Introduction to 3 sacred symbols and “sending”. (Absentee Healing). Guided meditation and Reiki II attunement. Open discussion after. Reiki practice incorporating symbols. Review 21 days cleansing period.
Class II: Review Absentee Healing and symbols. Introduction to pendulum and stone usage for Reiki healing and Chakra spinning. Practice with symbols and stones/pendulum.
Class III: Review Absentee Healing. More practice of Level II techniques with symbols and stones/pendulums.
Reiki III
Class I: Review of Level I & II. Introduction to master symbols. Guided meditation and Level III attunement. Begin 21 day cleansing.
Class II: Introduction to “Psychic Surgery” & class practice and participation.
Class III: Review and continue guided practice of “Psychic Surgery” and all known symbols from Level Reiki training including crystals and pendulums as accomplishments.
Reiki Master Class: Full day training course (date TBA)
- Review Reiki I – III
- Review all Sacred Symbols and give new Master/Teacher symbols
- Guided meditation and attunement for Master/Teacher
- Practice guided meditation
- Practice attunements over & over again
- Engage discussion of Reiki Master/Teacher resources and logistics of becoming a Master/Teacher
- Reiki energy circle meditation and closure
- Reminder of 21 day cleansing period
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